Two Tech Geeks

An open letter to Tim Cook about Final Cut Pro

An open letter to Tim Cook about Final Cut Pro, signed by editors and post-production pros around the world by Scott Simmons – ProVideo Coalition:

There is no doubt that Final Cut Pro has come a long way since it’s introduction many years ago. We’ve seen an architecture change with Libraries, multicam added, a new XML format, an interface redesign, machine learning features, in-app tracking, workflow extensions and even dropping the “X” for the name. Just looking over the release notes shows a long list of features, updates and bug fixes that goes back years. But the flip side of this is the argument that the Apple team working on Final Cut Pro is moving too slowly and not keeping up with competitors. It took over a decade to get the very basic feature of dupe detection. Rumor has it there is a Roles-based audio mixer somewhere in the FCP code but it hasn’t been turned on yet (who knows if that is even true or if it will be … rumor!).

Video production is a big part of my business and we use DaVinci because of cross-platform support and easier colour grading workflow (debatable, I know). In the ideal world, my team and I would prefer to use Final Cut Pro for the ease of use. Of course, everyone uses a Mac in that world.

However, preference is outweighed by the convenience we get by using DaVinci, and to a certain extent Premiere Pro in certain cases. Final Cut Pro ranks as the third choice out of these three. This is not just our preference but what we see in the industry in this part of the world.

Via: Michael Tsai

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