Tag: firefox
Web browser efficiency
BatteryBox reported on Chrome vs Safari vs Firefox web browser efficiency. Averaging data from all websites tested, Safari won first place with 6hours 21min of total usage, Firefox second with 5hours 29min of usage, and Chrome last with 5hours 8min of usage. Basically, if you simply switch to using Safari instead of Chrome, on average you could get…
Mozilla has had enough of Flash’s security flaws, disables Firefox plugin
The Next Web reported on Mozilla disabling Firefox’s flash plugin. Mozilla has blocklisted all vulnerable versions of Adobe Flash in its Firefox browser, following the discovery of numerous critical security flaws in the platform. Mark Schmidt, head of Firefox Support, took to Twitter to announce the change. https://twitter.com/MarkSchmidty/status/620783674561327104/photo/1 Fall out from this.
Google is practically begging Firefox users to switch their default search engine
Search Engine Land reported on Google begging Firefox users to switch their default search engine. Why would Google give up the top two-plus inches of its search results page like this? It goes back to the November announcement that Mozilla was dropping Google in favor of Yahoo as the default search engine in its Firefox…
Mozilla finally brings Firefox to iOS
John Gruber on Firefox finally being available on iOS. That it took them until 2014 to bend to practicality — iOS has been growing in popularity worldwide ever since it debuted, and Apple was never going to allow them to use their own rendering engine in an iOS app — epitomizes everything wrong with Mozilla…
Mozilla plans to sell ads in Firefox
John Gruber comments on Mozilla’s plan to sell ads in Firefox. Now go to Mozilla’s own weblog, where they announced this with the headline “Publisher Transformation with Users at the Center”. What a pile of obtuse horseshit. If you want to sell ads, sell ads. Own it. Don’t try to coat it with a layer…