Android Central reported on Samsung refusing to pay Android royalties to Microsoft because the latter was a direct hardware competitor. We reported a while about Microsoft’s action against Samsung. Samsung is now stating that since Microsoft owns Nokia’s devices unit, sharing sensitive data with the company would result in a breach of US antitrust laws.…
Microsoft sues Samsung for $6.9 million
1 min read
Recode reported on Microsoft’s lawsuit against Samsung’s breach of contract. Microsoft’s lawsuit against Samsung was unsealed on Friday, revealing that the software maker believes it is owed $6.9 million in unpaid interest from last year. Of course, Samsung would not intentionally avoid paying. A lot is at stake in the case, as is made clear…
Microsoft’s loss of $1.7 billion on Surface
1 min read
CITEworld wrote about Microsoft losing $1.7 billion on Surface so far. total loss for FY2014 was then $680 million ($2.192 in revenue minus $2.872 in cost of that revenue). But that was small potatoes compared to what Microsoft lost on the Surface the previous fiscal year. Using Microsoft’s stated revenue of $853 million and some…
Microsoft’s Samsung action
2 min read
Microsoft made a statement regarding its filing of legal action against Samsung. We don’t take lightly filing a legal action, especially against a company with which we’ve enjoyed a long and productive partnership. Unfortunately, even partners sometimes disagree. After spending months trying to resolve our disagreement, Samsung has made clear in a series of letters…
Deconstructing Satya
3 min read
Brian S Hall of Techpinions dissected the Satya Nadella internal memo. Nadella’s willingness to act fast, to re-make Microsoft, hack away at the extraneous and transform the company into “the productivity and platform company for the mobile-first and cloud-first world” appears to be exactly what the company needs. But when you gut a $7.2 billion…
Stephen Elop’s Nokia
2 min read
Om Malik on Stephen Elop being allowed to stay on. The very fact that a middling executive could be brought on for a turnaround of Nokia, and compete with the iPhone/Android onslaught with absolutely zero turnaround experience was one of those decisions that has confounded me and I continue to blame the Nokia board for…
Microsoft leadership
1 min read
Ben Brooks wrote about Microsoft’s mobile strategy. My criticism isn’t the easy play that they are firing 12,500 Nokia employees after claiming to be mobile first — it’s that they made these announcements too close together without laying out their strategy going forward clear enough. 1 And that is a problem of the worst kind:…
Microsoft, Past and Future
2 min read
John Gruber wrote about Microsoft’s past and future. What they missed was the next step from every desk and home: a computer in every pocket. It’s worse than that, though. They saw it coming, and they tried. Pocket PC, Windows CE, Windows Mobile — swings and misses at the next big thing. They weren’t even…
Waffle writes about the day Microsoft decided to give up wanting to dominate all platforms. Ballmer and Gates think losing the platform war, no longer being the largest and the no-one-ever-got-fired-for choice means the end of the Microsoft as we know it, and they may be right. But it’s the also the beginning of the…
Microsoft released a statement on the change in their stance towards privacy. Effective immediately, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property from Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves. Instead, we will refer the matter to law enforcement if further…