Tag: software

  • UK COVID-19 Cases Missed Due to Excel Glitch

    Michael Tsai: James Tapsfield: The extraordinary meltdown was caused by an Excel spreadsheet containing lab results reaching its maximum size, and failing to update. Some 15,841 cases between September 25 and October 2 were not uploaded to the government dashboard. […] Alex Hern: But while CSV files can be any size, Microsoft Excel files can…

  • The way forward in productivity

    Benedict Evans wrote about office, messaging and verbs. That is, the way forward for productivity is probably not to take software applications and document models that were conceived and built in a non-networked age and put them into the cloud, or to make carbon copies of them as web apps. This is no different to using your PC to do the same things you…

  • Software is changing the world (again)

    This is a great article. All I can say is that you should read it. Software Is Reorganizing the World And this global technology cloud truly stretches over the whole earth, touching down at various locales both in the U.S. — at Sendgrid in Boulder, Tumblr in New York, Rackspace in Austin, Snapchat in L.A.,…