Two Tech Geeks

google glass

  • John Gruber wrote about why Google employees don’t use Google Glass. If Glass were a good product, people who have them would wear them. It’s that simple. Same with tablet PCs — the problem wasn’t that Microsoft employees wouldn’t use them and that the product thus lost momentum and didn’t catch on with consumers. The…

  • TechCrunch reported on the stark absence of Google Glass and Google Plus during Google I/O. Google Glass: This year, Glass wasn’t even mentioned, and no presenters wore it on stage. Even when the discussion turned to wearables — an ideal time to work in its face computer — Google had nothing to say. When I…

  • For some reason, Google is compelled to post a guideline for Glass users. It is interesting to note that Google has embraced the use of the term Glasshole: Be creepy or rude (aka, a “Glasshole”). Respect others and if they have questions about Glass don’t get snappy. Be polite and explain what Glass does and…

  • Epson has released the Moverio BT-100, a pair of goggles that brings you immersive video playback and information overlays. The Moverio connects to an Android device so you get the full Android experience instead of the stripped down operating system used by Google Glass. To make it more enticing, Epson is making the Moverio available…

  • For the moment, the topic of privacy will always come up during the discussion of Google Glass. Privacy issues aside, if Google continues to improve Glass, it could become a very useful tool to photographers. You can view more examples of photos taken with Google Glass by Trey Ratcliff on Google+. These Astonishing Images Convinced…