Two Tech Geeks


  • Business Insider with a chart to show the difference in monetisation between Android and iOS. For every $1 of developer revenue per download generated on iOS, Android gets $0.19. No wonder developers tend to prefer launching on iOS first.

  • This is pretty novel. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, has used his Google+ page to pen a step-by-step guide on how to move from iPhone to Android. It might sound gimmicky, as there are already plenty of guides on how to make the switch out there, but more importantly it will be interesting to…

  • The differences between Instagram on iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Windows Phone has positioned itself as a unique mobile OS with a strikingly different look and navigation features compared to other major platforms. Most apps on Windows Phone look and behave significantly differently than on iOS or Android, and Instagram is no exception. The experience…

  • Dropbox has released a new look for its iOS app.. The new iOS 7-inspired design is gorgeous. The addition of AirDrop support is great news. I hope this marks the start of greater adoption of AirDrop as a way of sharing files on iOS.

  • This pretty much sums up my experience when I switched from my iPhone 5 to a Nexus 4. There are pros and cons, but it takes a while to get used to the change, for better or worse. Thoughts on the Google Nexus 7 from the perspective of a longtime iOS user One striking thing,…

  • Google’s revamped dialer for Android 4.4 KitKat which pulls information from Google Maps is pretty awesome. The news that Google is going to automatically use your Google+ photo for your caller ID might cause a privacy uproar by some folks though. Google will show your Google+ photo to Android callers starting early next year Android…