Two Tech Geeks


  • Re/code reported on Apple Pay competitor CurrentC possibly not launching until next year. CurrentC, the payments app being created by a consortium of big retailers known as MCX, may not launch widely this year as originally planned, MCX CEO Brian Mooney told Re/code in an interview on Tuesday. The company will begin a public pilot…

  • John Gruber wrote about Target’s customer data collection. This is what retailers like Target want to preserve, or even improve upon, with CurrentC. And this is exactly the sort of thing that Apple Pay, with its per-purchase unique tokens — is designed to prevent. So you think it is reasonable for retailers to collect data…

  • Ron Shevlin wrote for Snarketing 2.0 on CurrentC. Furthermore, let’s review again the impetus behind the MCX consortium. If merchants simply needed a place to push out more coupons and drive more business, they could have partnered with Google or Apple. But they didn’t. They set up their own payment processing capabilities, because the real…

  • Karen Webster wrote on PYMNTS about the scariest things in payments. Customers, furious at not being able to use the payment method of choice to shop at Rite Aid, are taking to Twitter to not only let their feelings be known, but letting Rite Aid know that they are now, literally, walking across the street…

  • Kevin Fitchard wrote on Gigaom about the surreal interview given by MCX CEO Dekkers Davidson. He said no MCX member would be fined or penalized for accepting Apple Pay (contrary to an earlier report in the New York Times), while reiterating that member merchants have all agreed to use CurrentC exclusively. So are the members…

  • Dan Frommer wrote on Quartz about why Apple Pay has little to fear from retailers. How CurrentC works: Because it’s designed to skirt the existing credit-card infrastructure, CurrentC’s current version only supports payments via checking accounts and certain store cards. And it comes with a questionable privacy requirement: To “confirm your identity,” CurrentC demands both…

  • Dave Mark wrote on Loop Insight about CurrentC and antitrust implications. Quoting from Reuters: Antitrust experts said CVS and Rite Aid have the right to drop a vendor if they believe they can save money by going around the credit card companies and Apple, both of which will take a piece of the action. But…