Two Tech Geeks


  • Ben Thompson writes about Microsoft’s business model. Farhad Manjoo named Apple, Google and Amazon as companies that he recommend relying on because of their business models. Microsoft’s chief spokesperson Frank X Shaw was annoyed by Microsoft’s omission from the recommendations: And with a cross-platform connected ecosystem that spans the workplace to the living room featuring…

  • The Next Web reports on Windows 8 selling 100 million copies less than Windows 7 after 15 months from launch. Windows 7 launched on October 22, 2009. In October 2010, Microsoft revealed that it had sold over 240 million Windows 7 licenses in the operating system’s first year, and in January 2011 that number grew…

  • After the Snowden leaks regarding the scope of NSA’s spying efforts, it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone to hear the recent claims that the NSA is able to install spyware on the iPhone via its DROPOUTJEEP program. Reports claim that the NSA currently needs physical access to the device in order to be able to…

  • Microsoft’s board of directors had decided that it is necessary for them to post on the company’s official blog to give an update on their search for a new CEO. As the chair of the Board’s search committee, I’m pleased with our progress. The Board has taken the thoughtful approach that our shareholders, customers, partners…

  • Monday Notes discusses Microsoft’s fruitless CEO Search. For a large, established company, having to use an executive recruiter to find its next CEO carries a profoundly bad aroma. It means that the directors failed at one of their most important duties: succession planning. Behind this first failure, a second one lurks: The Board probably gave…

  • Rumors of an Android-powered Nokia phone have been going around for years now, and while there hasn’t been a mass market version of it yet, you can be assured there are at least some Android-powered devices being tested internally by Nokia. There was a loud outcry back when Stephen Elop decided that Nokia would use…

  • WIRED UK reports that Microsoft has designed a smart bra to combat emotional eating. But the team wanted to have a system of wearable sensors that measure electrodermal activity (EDA), which is essentially the amount of sweat on a person’s skin; and electrocardiogram (EKG) data. Both are useful for gauging emotions. Wearable devices that know…

  • Not every prediction comes true, but one of the more daring claims has surfaced from a Forbes article. According to the writer, Microsoft will be able to surpass Apple on the mobile scene in 3 years. If that does become a reality, it will be no easy feat as Apple is currently riding high with…

  • The Guardian reports that Microsoft is most likely terminating Windows RT. Larson-Green, who is executive vice-president of Devices and Studios at Microsoft, said that the aim of Windows RT was “our first go at creating that more closed, turnkey experience [that Apple has on the iPad]…” but that Microsoft now has three mobile operating systems:…

  • Think steroids. Microsoft Issues Major Update to OneNote App for Windows